श्री रामचँद्र कृपालु भजु मन
I was sitting in my room, when I heard some verses which sounded very familiar to me. Somebody in the neighboring was doing his prayers. The verses reminded me of my childhood. My dad used to recite these verse during sleep time, while he used to run his hands through my hairs. It used to so much comforting and I used to fell asleep even before he completed the entire poetry.
Somehow even while I read these verses, I feel the same comfort. I am an atheist, the verses is in praise of Ram. But these words do have some soothing effect, atleast for me. Did I tell you, these verses did have my name in them, I always found it exciting as a child 🙂
श्री रामचँद्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणम्।
नवकंज-लोचन, कंज-मुख, कर कंज, पद कंजारुणम्।।
कंदर्प अगणित अमित छबि, नवनील-नीरद सुंदरम्।
पट पीत मानहु तड़ित रुचि शुचि नौमि जनक-सुतानरम्।।
भजु दीनबंधु दिनेश दानव-दैत्य-वंश-निकंदनम्।
रघुनंद आनँदकंद कोशलचंद दशरथ-नंदनम्।।
सिर मुकुट कुंडल तिलक चारु उदारु अंग विभूषणम्।
आजानुभुज शर-चाप-धर, संग्राम-जित-खर-दूषणम्।।
इति वदति तुलसीदास शंकर-शेष-मुनि-मन रंजनम्।
मम् हृदय-कंज-निवास कुरु, कामादि खल-दल-गंजनम्।।
मनु जाहि राचेउ निलिहि सो बरु सहज सुंदर साँवरो।
करुना निधान सुजान सीलु सनेहु जानत रावरो।।
एहि भाँति गौरि असीस सुनि सिय सहित हियँ हरषीं अली।
तुलसी भवानिह पूजि पुनि पुनि मुदित मन मंदिर चली।।
सोरठा-जानि गौरि अनुकूल सिय हिय हरषु न जाइ कहि।
मंजुल मंगल मूल बाम अंग फरकन लगे।।
(verses by तुलसीदास) (Source: Kavitakosh)