Trek to Dadimaa (8 July 2006)
You must have also experienced this, you are searching for something and search all places for it and finally find it somewhere known to you. You didnt look at this place because you felt you knew it. People wander many places finding happiness, and finally come back home and seek it. It had been the same case for this trek. I have been trekking different ranges in Sahyadri searching good places, but had always neglected mountains in Dombivli�s backyard. Haji Malang is the only popular place here, which is also crowed by religious people. Tavi hills near Haji Malang had always been neglected. I do cycle along the base of these mountains, but hardly tried to climb them.
This time it was Madhu who wanted an easy climb suggested Dadi maa and Paanch Peer hills near Malang. Having just recovered from a thigh muscle strain I too was looking forward for an easy trek like this. Then what, stage was set to climb these hills, we both decided to trek. I had anticipated these climbs would be easy and not more than 2 hours, however these hills proved me wrong.
These places being near to Dombivli, we could start our trek quite early. Khusivli, the base village is a small place with not more than 30 houses. Mornings in Indian villages are quite different, and with monsoon time everyone was in field doing farming. Few hands were looking after their cattle grazing in the field. Weather had been amazing, though it wasnt raining but occasional drizzles kept us cool. With only two of us, we kept a steady pace and covered quite a climb in not time. Madhu had kept an amazing stamina and pace, and at his age more than 40 its admiring. I could only hope, I would keep such stamina at that age.
In our way we found pair of lapwings (a bird; locally known as titvya) who started making noise on our site and started hovering above us. They must have been protecting their eggs or young ones. This must be their breeding season. Monsoon is somehow know as time when new life is born, nature rejunevates, there is enthusiasm in the surrounding. It also brings life to the trekking population in Sahyadri too.
We had been climbing for more than 3.5 hours, and the climb was more than anticipated. Almost all our way was through vegetation and shrubs. Weather had been excellent, at some height we were in clouds. Wind had been blowing so rapidly that on the ridge we had to sit down to control ourselves. Wind made the water from the waterfall to fly, resulting hanging waterfall. Visiblity was sparse, top was covered with cloud and there had been white-out. Villagers on the top of Dadi maa offered us some refresing black tea made with jaggery, while we refused their offer to smoke chilam stuffed with some ganja.(!) Since visiblity was less on the top, we decided to climb down. On our way back we had our lunch in a small hut in the way. A bath in the stream and waterfall refreshed us while returning! Bus to Kalyan and then a train ride to Dombivli, brought our trek to an end.
In the end, it was reverse of all anticipation. These hills offer an excellent climb, and the trail is very less used by people, so is still in good condition. These hills have been neglected, mostly by people from Dombivli and Kalyan, who have such excellent places in their backyard. Just like the saying, �ghar ki murgi dal barabar.� A place definitely to be visited again, may be this place at some other time in winter and summer.
For those who want to seek information about this place, Dadi Maa and Paach peer are the hills between Tavli and Malang. Left of Malang are Ganesh-Kartik twin pinacles. Adjacent to it is Paach peer, a col seperates it from Dadi maa. To climb these hills one need to start from village Khusivli, just before the Haji Malang base. A cattle track leads you towards the col between Malang and the twin pinnacles. After walking towards this col, a trail climbs along the stream on the left. A proper marked trail leads to the base of Ganesh-Kartik pinnacles. A traverse futher and a climb leads you to the col between Dadimaa and Paach peer. On top of both the hills, there are few huts and religious establishments like Dargah and Mandir.